The curriculum consists of four subject areas, which reflect the metatheoretical disciplines involved in the programme:
Knowledge & Method: Philosophy of Science & the Humanities
Philosophy of Science as part of theoretical philosophy analyses the particular possibilities and manners of knowledge in science and their methods. It explores the conception, the structures of theories and the respective methods of individual sciences with the aim to elaborate, on the one hand, epistemic requirements and accomplishments as well as methods and structural similarities but also, on the other hand, to elaborate demarcations between science and pseudo-science.
History & Society: History of Science & the Humanities
History of Science investigates the genesis and development of scientific knowledge in its cultural and social context. It also studies changes of scientific standards in methods and reasoning as a whole but also in particular areas of research. The history of technology and environment particularly deals with the dynamics of technological development and the results of application as well as the impact of science and technology on modern societies.
Culture & Transfer: Science in Literature, Media & Culture
Research in cultural studies as well as in literature and media studies offers new insights on science as a cultural phenomenon in combination with other cultural practices such as language, literature, art and media.
Responsibility & Application: Ethics and Science & Technology Studies
Ethics as part of practical philosophy is occupied with the problems of responsibility regarding the sciences. It offers action orientations based on a normative reflection of the specific possibilities and dangers of scientific knowledge and processes.
Science & Technology Studies investigate social processes in scientific practices and analyse science as specific social institution in the general social system.