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At the heart of HPS+ lies education and training in philosophy and history of science and logic. These studies are combined with a training in further fields of humanities and social sciences - such as literary, media and social studies that aim at an understanding of knowledge, science, and logic in cultural contexts.

Interdisciplinarity has gained more and more importance in academia - for a good reason: Interdisciplinarity as a consequence of cross-disciplinary research establishes an additional benefit regarding perception. Interdisciplinarity enables an extension of the scientific horizon. If one discipline deals with a particular problem, the perception of it can be extended, modified, and completed by the insights offered by other disciplines.

In the Master programme HPS+ students with a background in natural sciences will learn to employ skills and research questions from the humanities. They will be trained to understand the methods and achievements of sciences in the broader context of culture and society and they will be trained in logic. Students with a background in humanities and social sciences will get insights in the structure and conditions of modern sciences and they will learn to critically analyse the role of scientific knowledge in the modern world.

The Master programme HPS+ has set the objectives to extent the scientific horizon of its students in order to prepare them for their future jobs in the best way, whether in or outside academia. Graduates of the interdisciplinary programme will be able to act as "bridge-builder" between the humanities and (natural) science - a cooperation which nowadays is of high importance in the professional world.



Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institute for Philosophy I
Chair of Philosophy and History of Science
Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research


Building GA 3/150 
Universitätsstraße 150 
D-44801 Bochum
Fon +49 (0)234 32-28759

2022 HPS+

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Dr. Daniel Skurt

Ruhr University Bochum
Institute for Philosophy I
Chair of Logic and Epistemology
Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research

Building GB 04/147
Universitätsstraße 150 
D-44801 Bochum
Fon +49 (0)234 32-22714

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